June 21st 2023 end of project conference - Presentations

  1. Welcome remarks and introduction to the STREAM project - Dr. Joseph O'Mahony, SETU
  2. 2D_Printed_Sensors and_Their_Application - Prof. David Gethin (SU, WCPC), Drs. Tim Mortensen, Ben Clifford and Y C (John) Lau
  3. Multiparameter Nutrient Sensor - Dr. Joseph O'Mahony
  4. Some STREAM work and findings - Dr Ronan Browne
  5. Identification of Phytoplankton and community changes in Irish Waters - Jonathan Kelly, Marine institute
  6. Marine biotoxin sampling - Dr Ambrose Furey, Mr. Mike Griew
  7. EPA monitoring of Irish coastal and transitional waters - Dr. Robert Wilkes, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  8. Wexford Co. Council and environmental monitoring - Brendan Cooney, Wexford Co. Co.
  9. The use of remote monitoring technologies for assessing water quality - Geoffrey Robinson - BIM
  10. Weather Stations, Sensors, Telemetry and Accumulating Data - Mr John Ronan